Product LeakInvestigation (LI) (20240902)Discover water ingress pointsEnquire...
Brief Description of Service
Proposal to investigate leak
Our service is to include the following: Read More
Investigation steps:
  1. Attendance by inspector
  2. Visual overview of area(s) identified as leaking - inside and outside
  3. Scanning walls around windows, ground lines, GIB linings, skirtings and floors below weathertightness details likely to be cause(s)
  4. Discussing likely causes and invasive testing steps
Invasive testing steps: Requires further approval from client.
  1. Where anomalies are identified during invasive test drill 11mm drill holes through internal skirting or GIB at accessible locations. Purpose is to recover sufficient samples of framing for testing to establish timber condition (if framing is decayed removal may be required), moisture content of framing (to determine if leak is active and could cause further damage) and timber treatment testing (to establish durability constraints of framing or if RotStop is required).
  2. Where timber is found to be excessively wet or damaged inspector may undertake further invasive testing to establish extent of problem and towards leak entry point(s).
  3. Key investigation holes can have permanent Mdu PROBE System installed or filled for painting. Remainder filled for painting.
  4. Includes online access to test results and photographs with explanations.
Written report: Can be tailored for specific use. TBA and TBC
  1. We can build a report at the conclusion of testing should you want one.
Scoping works for repairs and maintenance: This is for quotation purpose of chosen work scopes
  1. Personal discussion with client about recommended remediation options and estimate of costs
  2. Written quotation - fixed price or cost plus.
  3. Timing for completion of repairs
  4. Record of Work once completed.
  5. Client can select access to live photograph updates.
Quotations are valid for 30 days from date of issuance.

Exclusions (in addition to standard exclusions)
Testing may not be possible if cabinetry or tiles are obstructing access to walls or services proximity make drilling dangerous.
Further testing may be required depending on results. 
Obtaining building consents if work requires one
No destructive testing like removing GIB or claddings will be undertaken without written approval.
Any matters the inspector determines at the time of investigation that cannot or should not be performed.
Water leak testing
Ongoing monitoring costs unless specifically included

Future Monitoring
Monitoring the moisture levels is an important part of ensuring the chosen work scopes are remediating the issues intended for the ongoing weathertightness and health of the dwelling. The Mdu Probe System can be read at regular intervals to record moisture changes in the home. It is useful to compare winter and summer readings before significant decisions are acted on or opinions are stated as to overall weathertightness performance.
Your inspector will advise a suitable monitoring program.